Our accessible and SEO first model for WordPress website design and development allows us to create websites that from their inception are targeted at areas of the market your competitors are missing. We create easy to navigate, read, and understand elements in all our designs. Our SEO first strategy also encompasses all areas of the web including web-friendly logo design, website design and development, marketing automation, email newsletters, and online advertising.

You can have the most beautiful store, the best food in town, or the best service of any of your competitors, but if your potential customers can't find you, none of it will matter. Let SeeMe Media help you prepare a full and comprehensive SEO and Social Media strategy to increase impressions and traffic to facilitate more sales and interactions for your company.

Creating an inclusive experience for every one of your website's visitors is not only important, it will boost your bottom line. SeeMe Media can make your website accessible for screen readers, color-blind users, and people with vision issues, and show your community you care about all your visitors.

SEO Illustration

Define Your SEO Objectives

Onsite Search Engine Optimization is a bit like doing chemistry. Each element of your website, when combined with other elements on your site and its interaction with the world, will help to determine how well your site ranks on all search engines. Have you stopped to ask yourself, what do I want my site to…

Keyword Research Word cloud Illustration

Keyword Research Starter Guide

Keywords are at the heart of all search engine searches. As you head over to your favorite search engine or even website search box, what you enter are the words that you think will bring up the desired results for your search. Those words are the search terms used that keyword research is hoping to…

Robots.txt illustration


A robots.txt file is like a fence around your property. Fences are meant to keep danger out, but they also can allow others to see through them. For a website, the robots.txt file sits at the root folder of your website and indicates the parts of your website you do or don’t want web crawlers…

Hand drawing a visual sitemap

What is a sitemap?

Simply, a sitemap is a file that lists all the web pages of your website that you would like search engines to know about and consider for ranking. There are however two types of sitemaps; the sitemap for crawlers/bots and the visual sitemap for users. Each is intended for different usage and for different applications.…

alt= tag and title= tag

How to optimize images for SEO

If content is king to a blog, images are the queen. Without images your page just doesn’t pop, it looks unfinished and downright boring. Images bring your written content to life to your site’s visitors and provide visual breaks for your readers. I think we all can agree that images matter on the Internet today.…

squoosh.app homepage

5 Step Guide to Squoosh Image Compression

Loading the right size image into your website is one of the fastest ways to speed up load times for your website. Using an image that is both the right size of pixels and utilizes the right amount of compression, combined with the right file type, ensures your images are clear and load quickly for…

Keyword Research Cloud

How to start identifying keywords for your website

Start with your Search Engine Optimization goals in mind For most websites, the initial way SEO is tapped as a strategy is to get more people to the website through organic search. Although this is the overall goal, the truth is, a search engine only returns one page on your website at a time, not…

Content Creation Illustration

5 SEO must dos for all your blog posts

When you are creating a new article for your website, keep your search engine optimization awareness on high alert. There are lots of opportunities for you to write valuable SEO rich content with each of your articles, without having to compromise your article’s content. Make SEO Rich content with every post. Here is a simple…

Google Analytics logo on background

Setting Up Google Analytics Website Tracking For the First Time

Setting up Google Analytics for the first time can be intimidating. Rest assured, Google Analytics can be implemented on your website easily and simply at first. As your knowledge grows, and the complexity of your website grows, Google Analytics can grow with your needs. For the majority of websites, you will not need every feature…

Man Searching on a computer

What motivates a Search Engine to provide unpaid links in the SERP?

The Search Engine Results Page(SERP) is the search engine’s equivalent of a recommendation from a trusted friend in real life. IRL, you may have a friend that works for one restaurant, but when they recommend another restaurant, you listen, because they are the expert in the field. Search Engines, like Google, work the same way.…

htaccess file

Add Expires headers to your .htaccess file

Expires headers let your browser know whether to serve a cached version of the page and it’s components or to download new versions of the files. By defining when a component of your site expires, you help to: Reduce server load Increase page load time What are Expires Headers? Expires headers tell the browser whether they…

Secure URL

Why is your URL important for SEO?

Understanding the structure of domain names and URLs is a fundamental building block of SEO. Over the years, Google and Bing have come a long way in handling the challenges of a growing number of pages available for indexing. The basic rule of SEO URLs is to make it easy for the searching human to…